
16 procent af mellemstore virksomheder i Tyskland er i gang med at flytte dele af deres aktiviteter til udlandet, og yderligere 30 procent overvejer det samme, viser en undersøgelse fra Tysklands største brancheforening.

Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) har 100.000 medlemsvirksomheder med i alt 8 millioner ansatte, og undersøgelsen foretaget af foreningen omtales af Euractiv.

Energipriserne er meget af forklaringen på flagningsplanerne, forklarer BDI’s præsident:

“Almost two-thirds of the companies we interviewed consider prices of energy and resources to be among the most pressing challenges,” said BDI President Siegfried Russwurm.

“Electricity prices for businesses have to fall reliably and permanently to a competitive level, otherwise the [green] transformation of businesses will fail,” he said, adding that it was the “the responsibility of politicians to improve the conditions for businesses in Germany.”

Nogle flytteplaner er påvirket af, hvad der er blevet et kapløb mellem USA og Europa om at subsidiere virksomheder, der ønsker at gennemføre “det grønne skifte”. USA har besluttet at lægge 500 milliarder dollar på bordet med henblik på den såkaldte Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

In response to the IRA and surging energy prices, electric car giant Tesla scraped some of its ambitious plans to build its biggest factory for batteries near Berlin and announced in February that it would focus on the US market instead.

I mellemtiden falder investeringerne i energiintensiv industri i Tyskland:

“We’re already observing that investment into energy-intensive industries has fallen significantly in Germany,” Clemens Fuest, the president of the Ifo Institute, Germany’s leading economic research institution, told Augsburger Allgemeine in April.

Tysklands klima- og økonomiminister Robert Habeck annoncerede for nylig planer for klimapolitiske eltilskud til erhvervslivet:

Last month he proposed a bundle of measures to reduce the price of electricity for businesses, including temporary subsidies. On Monday, Habeck announced that German businesses would be able to apply to a ‘Carbon Contracts for Difference scheme, which will subsidise the transition towards a carbon-neutral production process for selected applicants.

Det er ikke nok, mener BDI, som efterlyser stærkere tiltag.

Samtidig forventer EU-Kommissionen, at Tysklands vækst vil være blandt de svageste i eurozonen i 2023.

Antallet af nye ordrer til tysk industri faldt med 0,4 procent i april, mens analytikere havde forventet en vækst på 3 procent, rapporterede Reuters tirsdag. I forhold til april sidste år var faldet på hele 9,9 pct.





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