
Den multinationale amerikanske it-gigant Amazon har trukket den islamkritiske forfatter Ibn Warraqs bog “The Islam in Islamic Terrorism: The Importance of Beliefs, Ideas, and Ideology” tilbage fra sine onlineboghandler, meddelte Warraqs udgiver New English Review Press søndag.

I en pressemeddelelse oplyser forlaget, at Amazon har valgt at annullere bogen kort efter angrebet på Salman Rushdie, mens folk i Iran gør oprør mod det islamiske teokrati. Warraqs bog forklarer den motivation, som Rushdies overfaldsmand finder i Koranen, påpeger forlaget.

Ibn Warraq has been hailed as a scholar of great integrity, courage and intelligence by our century’s towering figure in Near Eastern Studies, the late Bernard Lewis of Princeton University. Ayaan Hirsi Ali credits him with inspiring her work, and Douglas Murray calls Warraq “one of the great heroes of our time.”

Forlagschef Rebecca Bynum antyder, at beslutningen er truffet af unge, der kommer ud af universitetet uden at kunne tænke:

“Perhaps, like most tech companies, Amazon hires young and inexperienced people to run their operation,” said New English Review Press publisher Rebecca Bynum. “Unfortunately, I believe they have come out of the university system without the ability to reason properly. For just as Biblical exegesis cannot be accused of promoting hatred of Christians, neither can honest criticism of the Islamic holy texts be a cause of hatred. No text, religious or otherwise, should ever be above criticism. Indeed, I was under the impression that idea had been settled after the Inquisition, but apparently not.”

Det er ikke første gang, en bog fra New English Review Press er blevet forbudt. En bog om grooming-skandalerne i Storbritannien er også tidligere blevet aflyst af Amazon:

Amazon’s banning of the Warraq book follows on the heels of their earlier banning of another NER Press title, “Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal” by Peter McLoughlin, which chronicles the actions, or rather the inaction, of the police, social services, justice system and government in the face of the widespread phenomenon of very young British girls being groomed and then pimped out and held in virtual sex slavery by gangs of grown men.

Der er ikke givet nogen begrundelse for fjernelsen af ​​Warraqs bog, og en klage blev afvist efter mindre end to timer, oplyser forlaget.

“The Islam in Islamic Terrorism” er tilgængelig hos andre online boghandlere, såsom Barned & Noble.

Islamkritikeren Rovert Spencer taler imod Amazons beslutning i PJ Media. . Mens Elon Musk ser ud til at ønske større ytringsfrihed på Twitter, som han netop har købt, går Amazon i den modsatte retning, skriver han.