
‘Varmerekord på 38 grader i Arktis: ‘Snart bliver der isfrit om sommeren”, skrev DR Online kort før jul sidste år, og illustrerede historie med en isbjørn på en isflage. Billedteksten lød: “Isbjørnen får i fremtiden svært ved at overleve, fordi den er afhængig af havisen for at kunne fange sæler. (Foto: Jan Martin Will)”.

Flere udenlandske medier har skrevet om selvsamme billede, der også fås i en pingvin-udgave. Fra Imediaethics – Science journal runs fake climate image with letter, doesn’t disclose.

“Australian Broadcasting Corp’s ABC News Watch called out the journal Science for publishing a fake climate image with its letter on global warming. …

News Watch’s May 8 report noted that the iStockphoto of a single polar bear on an ice floe, is photoshopped confection comprising multiple images –not a single documentary photo. The credit line for the photo reads on its iStockphoto Web page reads: ‘This image is a photoshop design.Polarbear, ice floe, ocean and sky are real, they were just not together in the way they are now.’ …

For fake photo watchers, another version of the photo, with a penguin in the place of the polar bear, is available on iStockphoto.