
Islamister myrder Sri lankaner, Sialkot, Punjabi, Pakistan, 3. december 2021; Dok: Twitter mv.)

Hvis man vil forstå hvorfor Sikandar Malik Siddique, som formand for et venstreorienteret parti opponerer imod det han kalder ‘ytringsfrihedsfanatisme’, så skal man se på forhistorien. Han blev allerede som barn politisk skolet af sin far Malik Siddique, der i en årrække var aktiv i det pakistanske parti ‘Muslim League’, et nationalistisk parti der i 80’erne støttede militærdiktaturets kamp mod ahmadiyya-sekten. En kamp mod blasfemikere.

Ikke ulig Frie Grønne, der vil have blasfemiparagraffen genindført. Det bør ikke være ‘en rettighed at misbruge ytringsfriheden til at sprede had og begå psykisk terror’ mod muslimer, kan man læse på FrieGronne.dk. Først kom de efter Paludan…

Her en historie om Sri lankanske Priyantha Diyawadana, der fredag blev tæsket ihjel og brændt på åben gade i Sialkot, lidt nord for Malik Siddiques punjabiske hjemstavn. Fra Indian Narrative – Sri Lankan Manager burnt to death by violent TLP mob in Sialkot.

“A Sri Lankan man was tortured and burnt to death in Sialkot in Pakistan on Friday for allegedly desecrating poster of that contained salutations (‘Durood’) on the Prophet . The South Asia Media Research Institute said in a post sharing the video of the incident that, ‘Islamist mob lynched a Sri Lankan manager of Rajco factory to death for allegedly desecrating a poster that contained salutations (‘Durood’) on the Prophet. He was first beaten to death with sticks and stones, and then his corpse was set on fire‘.

According to the website, the deceased Priyantha Diyawadana, from Colombo, Sri Lanka was working as a General Manager at Rajco Industry in Sialkot, Punjab…

According to the reports, a mob of the radical militant organisation Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) falsely accused the victim of blasphemy and dragged him out of the factory. In the videos shared on Twitter, the mob can be seen chanting ‘Nara-e-Taqbeer’ and ‘Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah’ while beating the Sri Lankan man with iron rods and sticks.

One of the slogans that was raised was ‘anyone who insults the prophet his head must be cut off’ (Gustakh–e–Rasool ki ek hee saza Sar tan se juda Sar tan se juda).”