Ungarns statsminister Viktor Orbán holdt torsdag sin første tale til parlamentet i Budapest, efter sejren ved parlamentsvalget i april, og skitserede nogle af regeringens visioner for landets vej videre, i Orbáns tredje periode i træk som landets leder.
Statsministeren fortalte, at den nye regering vil opbygge et kristent demokrati, der passer til det 21. århundrede, vende nedgangen i befolkningstallet og ikke lempe på indvandringspolitikken, skriver Reuters:
He reiterated that his new government would build a “Christian democracy”. He promised to boost growth and competitiveness and reverse a decline in Hungary’s native population, while maintaining a tough line on immigration.
“We will oppose the mandatory migrant settlement quotas… and will fight for the protection of borders,” he said.
Det havarerede liberale demokratis æra er forbi, sagde Orbán:
“We have replaced a shipwrecked liberal democracy with a 21st-century Christian democracy, which guarantees people’s freedom, security.”
Udtalelsen er gengivet noget mere detaljeret på den ungarske statsministers offisielle blogg:
“Rather than try to fix a liberal democracy that has run aground, we will build a 21st Century Christian democracy which guarantees human dignity, freedom and security, protects the equal rights of men and women, the model of the traditional family, puts the brakes on anti-Semitism, protects our Christian culture, and provides opportunity for the maintenance and development of our nation.”
EU må opgive sine mareridtsagtige vrangforestillinger om et Europas forenede stater, mente Orbán:
“The Union must function as an alliance of free nations and give up on its delusional nightmares of a United States of Europe,” Orban told parliament in his inaugural speech.
“The EU must return to the grounds of reality. As a first step, it must change its thinking about migration.”
Statsministeren fremhævede at Ungarn behøver EU, men undlod alligevel ikke at fremlægge selvstændige geopolitiske overvejelser:
Hungary is and will remain a dedicated member of the Western alliance system. But that does not change the geographical constraints,” he said.
“To our west is the land of German iron chancellors, to our east is the world of Slavic soldier peoples, and to our south are massive crowds of Muslim people. Berlin, Moscow, Istanbul – Hungary exists in this space. We need to make calculations based on this.”
Fidesz fik et uhyre godt valg, og fik to tredjedeles flertal i parlamentet, men oppositionen er ikke desto mindre kritisk overfor regeringen. Jobbiks næstformand Marton Gyongyosi sagde efter statsministerens tale, at dagens Ungarn er bygget på korruption og styret af oligarker.
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