
Bilde; En utbrændt bil i Zanjan, 1. januar 2018. Foto: Reuters/Scanpix

Iran haver en forbrydelse der sier alt om regimet: Den heder Moharebeh, krig mod Gud.

Leder for Revolusjonsdomstolen i Teheran, Mousa Ghazanfarabadi, sa tirsdag at demonstranterne kan blive dømt efter denne paragrafen. Den betyder dødsstraff.

The head of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court has reportedly warned that arrested protesters could potentially face death penalty cases when they come to trial.

Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted Mousa Ghazanfarabadi on Tuesday as saying: “Obviously one of their charges can be Moharebeh,” or waging war against God. That’s a death penalty offense in Iran.

Ghazanfarabadi also was quoted as saying some protesters will come to trial soon on charges of acting against national security and damaging public properties. He also stressed that attending rallies not sanctioned by Iran’s Interior Ministry, which oversees police, was illegal.

Iran’s Revolutionary Court handles cases involving alleged attempts to overthrow the government.

Dette er regimets sande ansigt. President Rouhanis tale om retten til at ytre seg, er nettop det: Bare ord.

Den øverste leder slo an samme strenger som revolusjonsdomstolens leder: De er Irans fiender der ligger bag uroen.

Iran’s Supreme Leader is saying the country’s enemies have meddled in recent protest rallies resorting to various means.

A Tuesday report on the website of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei quoted him as saying “in recent days” enemies of Iran have utilized various means including money, weapons, politics and intelligence apparatuses “to create problems for the Islamic system.”

Khamenei, who has final say on all state matters, did not name any country but said he would explain more in the near future.

This is the first time Khamenei has commented publicly since protests over inflation and economic corruption began Thursday in Mashhad and spread to other cities.

Ved at si at landets fjender ligger bak har Khamenei stemplet demonstranterne som forrædere. De kan skydes ned som gale hunder.

Endu haver vi ikke set massiv vold, men Khamenei viste frem jernnæven.

Andre autoritære ledere stiller sig bag det iranske lederskab. Tyrkiet ønsker ikke at se nogen revolution i Teheran.

Turkey is voicing concern over protests in neighboring Iran that have resulted in deaths and harmed public property, saying Ankara attaches great importance to the “preservation of social peace and stability” in the country.

In a statement released Tuesday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry urged protesters to avoid violence and not to fall for “provocations.” It also welcomed a speech by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during which he backed the right to peaceful protests but warned against violating laws or harming public property.

The ministry said: “We hope that peace is ensured and common sense prevails so that the events do not escalate, and that rhetoric and foreign interventions that incite developments are avoided.”

Putin ønsker heller ingen omvæltning og Bashar al-Assad stiller sig fullt og helt bag Irans lederskap.

Trump har gået ind i nærkamp med en strøm av tweet’er. State Department følger op.

Administrationen forsøger at hjælpe iranerne.

The Trump administration is calling on Iran’s government to stop blocking Instagram and other popular social media sites as Iranians are demonstrating in the streets.

U.S. Undersecretary of State Steve Goldstein says the United States wants Iran to “open these sites.” He says Instagram, Telegram and other platforms are “legitimate avenues for communication.”

The United States is encouraging Iranians to use virtual private networks, known as VPNs. Those services create encrypted links between computers and can be used to access blocked websites.

Goldstein says the U.S. is still communicating with Iranians in Farsi through State Department accounts on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms. He says the U.S. wants to “encourage the protesters to continue to fight for what’s right.”

Goldstein says the U.S. has an “obligation not to stand by.”

En forpligtelse til ikke at forholde sig passiv. Trump har momentum på sin side. Europæerne er mer lunkne, men de skønner også at et skifte i Iran kan give enorm bonus.


The Latest: US stops short of calling for Iran regime change


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